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                   10.6 Phone directory <Alt-P>

     The phone directory allows you to define up to 200 (400 in the
     commercial version) numbers in addition to those stored in the
     nodelist database. The Terminal keeps the internal phone
     directory in a file named TERMPHON.FD, which is located in the
     SYSTEM directory.

     The top menu in the phone directory has nine options.

     Clear queue     Removes the queue (Q) status from all entries in
                     the phone directory. If no entries are listed in
                     the queue, no action is taken.

     Dial            Adds the current (highlighted) number to the
                     queue and proceeds to the dial function. If no
                     connection is made, the Terminal will proceed to
                     the next number in the queue. If no other numbers
                     exists in the queue, the Terminal will wait the
                     defined (in FDSETUP) number of seconds before
                     trying again. You can abort dialing by pressing

     Edit existing entry
                     Allows you to change an existing entry.

     Purge           Removes all entries marked for deletion (small
                     square) from the phone directory. There is no way
                     to recover a removed entry, so use this option
                     with caution.

     Toggle queue status
                     Adds/removes the current (highlighted) number to
                     the queue.

     Sort/Purge      This option is similar to the PURGE option with
                     one difference. It will sort the phone directory
                     in ascending order, based on the name field.

     Add entry       Allows you to add a new entry to the phone

     Mark for deletion
                     Marks an entry for deletion (small square). No
                     other action is taken. You must use the <F6> or
                     <F8> function to remove entries marked for

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